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Amazonは、1995年7月にアメリワシントン州シアトルにて創業し、日本においては、2000年11月からサービスを提供しております。 「地球上で最もお客様を大切にする企業であること」というビジョンを掲げ、お客様からスタートし、常にお客様の立場で考えることに注力しています。
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Tactics like these clearly weren’t helpful for users, so why did publishers do it? Google wasn’t always as good as it is today at understanding the relationships between words and phrases (or semantics). So, if you wanted to rank on page 1 for “bridal gowns” but you only had a page on “wedding dresses,” that may not have cut it.
pages, which resulted in more quality pages taking the top spots of the SERPs. Google continues to iterate on this process of demoting low-quality content and promoting high-quality content today. Google is clear that you should have a comprehensive page on a topic instead of multiple, weaker pages for each variation of a keyword. the
